Covid-19 Paging Solutions

Call systems from Ceyont SA as a solution for keeping your distance and good service!
Get in touch with us
Due to the regulations related to COVID-19, keeping a distance is important to prevent the risk of spreading the virus. Even with having to keep a distance of 1.5 meters, it is possible for companies to continue their business operations in an adapted manner. In the case where customers, guests and / or visitors have to wait remotely, how should they be alerted or called? Simple!
Ceyont SA’s calling systems offer solutions for calling guests, customers and patients, for example:
1. Guest calling system: When guests have to wait, you give them a coaster. A coaster is the well-known disc that various catering companies and restaurants work with. Click here for more information.
2. Customer calling system: The recipient of the customer paging system is a waiting customer. The pager is similar in shape and size of a mobile phone and is therefore easy to carry in one’s pocket. Click here for more information.
3. Patient call system : Waiting patients or clients receive a pager and can wait elsewhere on the premises to see a doctor. Click here for more information.
4. Sister calling system : This system is to call for urgent assistance. With a neck transmitter or other emergency buttons, someone can ask a nurse for help. Click here for more information.
Get in touch with us
What can you expect from us?
• Our team works in shifts to prevent the risk of contracting and spreading the virus. We observe strict measures with regards to hygiene.
• Regulations in accordance with SA government are strictly followed.
• We think of and provide solutions for every request!
• Products are disinfected before being dispatched.
Why is a paging system a solution?
With a paging system you can continue to serve your customers. A coaster or pager is handed over so that your customers can be reached anywhere within close proximity. You do not have to search or call and this prevents unnecessary contact risk. The returned pager or coaster is disinfected and can be used for the next customer, patient, guest or visitor.
Use in steps:
1. A customer has checked-in and receives a coaster or pager.
2. The customer can wait outside at a safe distance.
3. When it is the customer's turn, activate the coaster or pager on the transmitter (transmitter module).
4. The returned coaster or pager is disinfected and can be used for the next customer.
1. Pager is handed over

2. Customer waits for a call

3. Pager has been called

4. Disinfect after receiving